Enrollment for Old Students SY 2022-2023
- Fill-up Online Enrollment Form using the link, https://tinyurl.com/OnlineEnrollment2022
- Email confirmation and payment instructions will be sent to the email provided in the Online Form.
- Pay via online bank transfer or over the counter.
- For online payments, please send a screenshot of your proof of payment to finance@icsb.edu.ph
- A scanned copy of your official receipt will be sent through email.

Admissions for Transferees and New Students ST 2022-2023
- Fill-up Online Form using the link, https://tinyurl.com/ICSBInquiry
- Submit required documents to: https://tinyurl.com/ICSBDocumentsSubmissionBin.
- Online/Face to face interview will be scheduled. If passed, acceptance letter will be issued.
- Follow the Online Enrollment Procedure for Old Students.